Trade Show Registration

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On behalf of the Board of Governors for the World Famous Miles City Bucking Horse Sale, we would like to invite you to the World Famous Miles City Bucking Horse Sale Trade Exposition. The Trade Expo is held in conjunction with the World Famous Miles City Bucking Horse Sale, which will be held May 15-18, 2025, at the Eastern Montana Fairgrounds in Miles City Montana.

The World Famous Miles City Bucking Horse Sale is the oldest and most prestigious of all bucking horse sales in the country. The first sale evolved from a group of people putting on an exhibition to a regular sale due to an abundance of horses in the area. Over the years, it has evolved into its present form without losing its small-town, cow-town atmosphere. The sale attracts a unique crowd of people that come from every corner of the United States, Canada, as well as other countries all over the World! Attendance will exceed 10,000 over the course of the 4 days.

The event features 4 days, including a concert, a PRCA Saddle Bronc Permit Challenge, multiple Wild Horse Races, 3 days of Pari-Mutuel Horse Racing, lots of bucking horses, PRCA Matched Bronc Ride, Trade Expo, Quick Draw Art Auction, a huge parade and much more! We have a unique audience giving you an excellent opportunity to display and market your products.

Enclosed is the Exhibitor Contract, along with the Rules and Regulations. Please familiarize yourself with these. Fill out the contract completely, and mail the contract and payment to:

BHS – Trade Show Coordinator
C/O Jenna Frasch
5 Garden Circle
Miles City MT 59301

Move In Hours:
Thursday, May 15th 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Friday, May 16th 9:00 am – Noon *Be ready for show opening 1pm SHARP

Show Hours:
Friday, May 16th 1:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Saturday, May 17th 11:00 am - 8:00 pm
Sunday, May 18th 9:00 am - 6:00 pm

*January 15, 2025 – Deadline for return vendors for right of first refusal

**All booths must be set up and ready to open by Noon on Friday and stay open until closing time each evening. NO LEAVING EARLY!! The doors will be open 30 minutes before opening times each day.

***We will do our best to make sure the same products are not sold side by side. We are excited to see all of you this year at the 2025 World Famous Bucking Horse Sale!


Jenna Frasch
BHS Trade Show Coordinator
5 Garden Circle, Miles City MT 59301
[email protected]



Please contact Kim Flotkoetter at (406) 853-2647 for food vending downtown. We are currently full at the fairgrounds.

  • List of lodging options in Miles City is available at the
  • First come, first served dry camping is allowed on the Fairgrounds property, although electricity, water, and dump station are not available. There are showers near the grandstands.
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Are You A Returning Vendor?


  1. NO DOGS allowed in buildings unless proper papers
  2. All indoor spaces will include one (1) 8’ table with two (2) chairs
  3. Electrical outlets are available
  4. If MORE THAN ONE electrical outlet is needed, please add an additional $10 to your registration.
  5. ABSOLUTELY NO TAPE IS ALLOWED in the building anymore! If tape is found in your space you will NOT be allowed back!!
*SELECT MULTIPLES. You can choose more than one option. Please choose option(s) below if you would like an indoor space. *



  1. Due to limited space, NO SUPPORT VEHICLES WILL BE ALLOWED ON THE GRASS, unless you directly sell from it. The support vehicle must fit into your allotted space. Example: 30’ horse trailer will not be allowed in a 20’ x 10’ space.
  2. *For anything larger than 40’ contact Jenna Frasch at 406-951-3267
Please choose option(s) below if you would like an OUTDOOR space.


Tell us and provide a photo of your trailer and indicate whether you display out of the end or side (and which side).
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 6 files.
Please send us a picture of the previous setup for the booth showing the product and booth space - jpg or png.  Drawing, image, and/or video. 


Rules and Regulations - Please read carefully.


The total amount due, for space rental, will be required upon the signing of this agreement. No exhibit will be permitted space until the contract has been paid in full.


Neither the Lessor, the Building Owners & Managers, the Official Show Director, the Trade Show Decorator, or their representatives, or any member of the above-named will be responsible for any injury, loss, or damage that may occur to the Lessee or the Lessee’s employees or property from any cause whatsoever. The Lessee, on signing the contract, expressly releases the aforementioned from any and all claims for such loss, damage, or injury. Exhibit Halls will be locked during the time that exhibits are not being shown.


Lessees, and/or their agents, must not injure or deface the walls or floors of the building and adjacent areas; including outside surfaces and booth equipment. If such damage appears, the Lessee is liable to the County of Custer, the Lessor, and/or the Trade Show Decorator for the property so damaged.  NO DUCT TAPE or tape of any kind is allowed on floors, carpet or walls.  If tape is found in your space you will be charged for a cleanup fee of $100 and possibly lose your space/spaces for the coming years.


Combustible exhibit and display materials must be flameproofed. Explosive materials are not allowed on the premises. Vehicles may not be operated on the premises during show hours. Gas tanks must be approximately ¼ full of gas. Tank openings must have a secure cap and be taped on to prevent fumes from escaping. Battery cables must be disconnected and taped to prevent contact. All rules and regulations relative to public buildings, as prescribed by the Fire Prevention Bureau of Custer County, must be adhered to.


All exhibitory, displays, and demonstrations must be show oriented. The Lessor reserves the right to make decisions relative to show content and reserves the right to reject exhibitory which it deems detrimental to the show LICENSES

The Lessee shall procure, at its own cost and expense, any necessary licenses and official permits required for the purpose of displaying and exhibiting merchandise at the show.


Lessee shall not, without the prior written consent of the Lessor, assign or sublet such space, or any part thereof. The actual occupation of the space, with the above exhibit, is of the essence hereof. In the event the Lessee shall not occupy said space twelve (12) hours prior to the official opening of the show, then, and in such event, Lessor is expressly authorized to occupy or case said space to be occupied in such a manner as it may deem best for the interest of said show, without any rebate or allowance whatsoever to Lessee, and without any way releasing the Lessee from any liability hereunder and the Lessee expressly agrees to pay Lessor the full sum hereinabove set forth.

Lessee, if desired by Lessee, must obtain insurance, at his own cost and expense. The Lessor assumes no risk, and by the acceptance of this agreement, the Lessee expressly releases the Lessor of and from any and all liability for damage, injury, or loss to any person or goods which may arise from the use of said space of Lessee and agrees to hold and save Lessor harmless of and from any loss or damage by reason thereof. Aisle space will be controlled by Lessor.

Cancellation of space must be in writing and received by Lessor 30 days prior to the show. In the event such cancellation is received by the Lessor 30 days prior to the show, the full deposit will be refunded to the Lessee, less $100 cancellation fee.

In the case of failure of Lessee to make any payment, to perform, or to observe all of the conditions, covenants, and restrictions herein set forth, this contract shall, at the options of the Lessor, serve as partial satisfaction of all damages sustained.

Should suit be commenced, or an attorney employed to enforce the terms of this agreement, Lessee agrees to pay such additional sum as the court may judge reasonable as attorney’s fees in said suit, and Lessee agrees to pay Lessor’s costs.

Lessee hereby agrees as follows:
To abide and conform to all rules and regulations prescribed or adopted by Lessor, which apply to the use and/or occupancy of the exhibit area covered by the Agreement, or which pertain to the operation or administration of the show.
1. To comply with all laws, ordinances, and regulations imposed by the management of the facility and as imposed by Lessor.
2. To clean up Lessee’s space at the completion of the exhibit, returning said space to its original condition. In the event of failure to so clean to the satisfaction of the Lessor, Lessor may perform said cleaning and charge Lessee a reasonable fee, which Lessee agrees to pay Lessor on demand.
3. All exhibitory must be fireproofed and electrical wiring installed in a safe manner, including ground wires. Combustible materials or explosives are not permitted in the building unless Lessor has granted permission in writing.
4. To comply with all laws, ordinances, and regulations imposed by the management of the facility and as imposed by Lessor.
5. To clean up Lessee’s space at the completion of the exhibit, returning said space to its original condition. In the event of failure to so clean to the satisfaction of the Lessor, Lessor may perform said cleaning and charge Lessee a reasonable fee, which Lessee agrees to pay Lessor on demand.

6. All exhibitory must be fireproofed and electrical wiring installed in a safe manner, including ground wires. Combustible materials or explosives are not permitted in the building unless Lessor has granted permission in writing.

7. A reminder about the trademarks that are owned by the Board of Governors for the World Famous Miles City Bucking Horse Sale. The Board owns the trademark on the yellow “Badge Logo” that is used prominently all the time as well as the “Circle” MCBHS logo. The Board also has the words, “Bucking Horse Sale”, “World Famous Miles City Bucking Horse Sale”, and “Miles City Bucking Horse Sale” , "BHS" trademarked in Montana. Those words, whether by themselves or used as a part of a larger string of words, cannot be used on any products offered for sale unless a prior written agreement has been reached with the Board. The yellow “Badge Logo” or the “Circle Logo” also cannot be used on any products offered for sale unless a prior written agreement has been reached with the Board. The Board of Governors will deal with any trademark violations in a prompt manner. If there are any questions, contact us before the Trade Show.


____I have included the total amount due for Booth Space
____I have included total amount due for ADDITIONAL electrical
____I have included the grand total

By checking the boxes above and reading Rules and Regulations...I, the undersigned, attest that I have read the BHS Trade Show Rules and intend to follow them.

Clear Signature

Thank you for being a vendor at the Trade Show at the World Famous Miles City Bucking Horse Sale, May 15-18, 2025. If you have any other questions, contact Jenna Frasch – Trade Show Coordinator.


Jenna Frasch
BHS Trade Show Coordinator
5 Garden Circle, Miles City MT 59301
[email protected]
