2025 Wild Horse Race Entry

The entry form will be available March 1, 2025.

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Purse $12,000 added. $500.00 entry fee per team. Entry fees must be paid by credit card at time of entry. NO EXCEPTIONS! Entries will be limited to 20 teams. Entry form will close when 20 entries are received. All entry forms are automatically numbered, and time stamped at time of entry.

The first 16 entries received will be in the event. The last 4 entries received will be on an alternate list in order of entry number and timestamp of entry. Alternate teams will receive a full refund if they do not make the show.

During the event, each of the 16 teams will receive 2 head - 1 per day on Friday and Saturday. Each team will be timed. Each team’s fastest time of two performances will be the determining factor of whether they make it back to the championship round of 8 teams on Sunday. If, for any reason, there is a tie to qualify to advance to the finals, a coin flip will decide the teams that advance. Buckles will be provided to the top money winning team overall. In the unlikely event of a tie for overall, a flip of the coin will determine the recipient of the buckles.

Payouts will be as follows:

Each of the 2 Rounds Pays $5,000.00 (each round is made up of two 8 team heats on both Fri. and Sat.)

1st - $2,000.00 per team
2nd - $1,500.00 per team
3rd - $1,000.00 per team
4th - $500.00 per team

The average on Championship Sunday pays $10,000.00

1st - $4,000.00 per team
2nd -$3,000.00 per team
3rd -$2,000.00 per team
4th -$1,000.00 per team

Entry Rules:

Each contestant will be required to present a valid ID, social security number, and complete a W-9 before they can pick up their T shirt. All competitors must be at least 18 years of age. TEAMS SHALL CONSIST OF THREE (3) MEMBERS. (Substitutes will be allowed no matter if he/she has competed with another team. Contestants who will race on more than one team must notify the Rodeo Secretary of changes. The Secretary has the right to deny if go round placement is not convenient.)

Track Rules:

Saddle and Rider must remain behind the designated starting line until the official start signal is given.

Horses front feet must break the plane of the chute with gates open at least 90 degrees before being mugged. (The Mugger may enter the chute 10 seconds after the official start if horse will not exit.)

No choking down, no blocking of airways, no deliberate tripping, no half hitches around the horse's neck by halter shank or rope, and no mugger may take hold of the horse's eyes or mouth in any manner. No biting or grabbing the horse’s ears. No gouging of the eyes or intentional grabbing of the nose.

The World Famous Miles City Bucking Horse Sale reserves the right to order any contestant to release the animal for the safety of the animal or any case of inhumane treatment. Any unnecessary mistreatment of an animal mentioned here before will result in team disqualification not only for the round but for the remainder of the 3 day event.

Shank ropes will be no shorter than 12 feet, and no longer than 14 feet. The remaining rope length between breakaway connections and halter shall be no longer than 4 feet. Knots will not be allowed at any portion of the rope except for connection to the halter, and at the opposite end to prevent fraying. Once the rider is mounted, the rope must either be disconnected or in the riders’ hand when they release the horse and rider. If the rope is disconnected it must be taken out of the arena when the rest of the team exits. If rider loses the shank rope while still in the arena, team members can assist in getting the shank rope back in their Rider’s hands.

Horses must be saddled while the horse is standing.

The Mugger and Shank Man must clear the track immediately and stay off the track once their rider is mounted and has passed through the arena gate. (This will include the arena straight away or line of sight of the finish line.)

Riders: NO abuse of the horse in any manner. NO foreign objects will be allowed, bats, rattles, plastic bags etc., to coax the horse. Riders may have spurs, but they must not have locked or sharpened rowels. Rowels must move freely, no bull shanks. Riders: if you are caught spurring your horse in the neck or head, your team will be disqualified for the entire 3 day event.

Riders must be in the saddle on the horse with the shank rope in their hand when they cross the finish line. This rule only applies if the Rider left the arena with a shank rope at the start.

There will be a seven (7) Minute time limit, or until four places have crossed the finish line.

At the seven (7) minute mark, designated outriders will make a circle around the track. Place holders will be marked AS IS once the outriders begin pushing all horses toward the finish line. At the judge’s discretion, if any legal riders enter the arena in a “bunch” when the outriders push them into the arena, those teams may be considered a “dead heat” and those teams will receive the same time for that heat. The signal for the seven (7) minute mark will also signal for designated ground crew to close the track gate on the south end of the arena. The south end gate will be open before the official start signal is given.

Once the lead rider is rounding the final turn on the track the track gate on the north side of the arena will be opened to observe the finish line at the arena entry point.

Any contestant deemed to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs prior to competing in that day's race will not be allowed to compete and will be subject to disqualification for the entire 3 day event.

Alcohol or Drugs are NOT ALLOWED in the arena at any time.

Failing to show up for your designated race will result in loss of entry fee. NO REFUNDS!

All Judge's decisions are FINAL!

Name of Person Submitting This Form
Email of Person Submitting This Form
Mailing Address of Person Submitting This Form


Each contestant will be required to present a valid ID, social security number, and complete a W-9 before they can pick up their T shirt. All competitors must be at least 18 years of age. TEAMS SHALL CONSIST OF THREE (3) MEMBERS. (Substitutes will be allowed no matter if he/she has competed with another team. Contestants who will race on more than one team must notify the Rodeo Secretary of changes. The Secretary has the right to deny if go round placement is not convenient.)

The team captain will be responsible for picking up team checks from the rodeo office. The team captain will also be responsible for cashing their team's check.


A $500.00 payment via credit card is required at the time of this submission. An 8% credit card fee ($40) will be added to the $500.00 fee for a total of $540.00. If you do not complete the transaction or the card is declined, this entry will NOT be accepted. NO EXCEPTIONS!!

IMPORTANT: If once we receive your entry and we see that the credit card was declined or did not go through for ANY reason, your entry will not be accepted. It is YOUR responsibility to make sure there was a charge initiated on the credit card after you submit the entry. If you see that the card did not go through, you must contact us immediately to remedy the situation. (email us at: [email protected])

For the first 16 teams that enter, and in order to qualify for a refund, you must cancel your entry before May 1, 2025. You will receive the $500 fee back but will forfeit the credit card fee. If you fail to show at the event check-in on Friday, May 16 or cancel after May 1, there will be NO REFUNDS.

Alternate teams will receive a full refund if they do not make the show on Friday, May 16. Refunds will be processed after the event is over.

All teams will be notified by email (we will use the email you entered twice previously in this form) of their status within a few days after this form closes. (after we receive 20 PAID entries.)

I have read and understand all the above rules, terms, and conditions. I further state that I expressly understand the terms about submitting payment and the refund guidelines. By checking the box below, I hereby agree to all.

Credit Card Information:

If once we receive your entry and we see that the credit card was declined or did not go through for ANY reason, your entry will not be accepted. It is YOUR responsibility to make sure there was a charge initiated on the credit card. If you see that the card did not go through, you must contact us immediately to remedy the situation.

Email Address of Credit Card Owner
Credit Card Billing Address
2025 WHR Entry Fee - If the credit card is declined, the entry will be cancelled.
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Purse $12,000 added. $500.00 entry fee per team. Entry fees must be paid by credit card at time of entry. NO EXCEPTIONS! Entries will be limited to 20 teams. Entry form will close when 20 entries are received. All entry forms are automatically numbered, and time stamped at time of entry.

The first 16 entries received will be in the event. The last 4 entries received will be on an alternate list in order of entry number and timestamp of entry. Alternate teams will receive a full refund if they do not make the show.

During the event, each of the 16 teams will receive 2 head - 1 per day on Friday and Saturday. Each team will be timed. Each team’s fastest time of two performances will be the determining factor of whether they make it back to the championship round of 8 teams on Sunday. If, for any reason, there is a tie to qualify to advance to the finals, a coin flip will decide the teams that advance. Buckles will be provided to the top money winning team overall. In the unlikely event of a tie for overall, a flip of the coin will determine the recipient of the buckles.

Payouts will be as follows:

Each of the 2 Rounds Pays $5,000.00 (each round is made up of two 8 team heats on both Fri. and Sat.)

1st - $2,000.00 per team
2nd - $1,500.00 per team
3rd - $1,000.00 per team
4th - $500.00 per team

The average on Championship Sunday pays $10,000.00

1st - $4,000.00 per team
2nd -$3,000.00 per team
3rd -$2,000.00 per team
4th -$1,000.00 per team

Entry Rules:

Each contestant will be required to present a valid ID, social security number, and complete a W-9 before they can pick up their T shirt. All competitors must be at least 18 years of age. TEAMS SHALL CONSIST OF THREE (3) MEMBERS. (Substitutes will be allowed no matter if he/she has competed with another team. Contestants who will race on more than one team must notify the Rodeo Secretary of changes. The Secretary has the right to deny if go round placement is not convenient.)

Track Rules:

Saddle and Rider must remain behind the designated starting line until the official start signal is given.

Horses front feet must break the plane of the chute with gates open at least 90 degrees before being mugged. (The Mugger may enter the chute 10 seconds after the official start if horse will not exit.)

No choking down, no blocking of airways, no deliberate tripping, no half hitches around the horse's neck by halter shank or rope, and no mugger may take hold of the horse's eyes or mouth in any manner. No biting or grabbing the horse’s ears. No gouging of the eyes or intentional grabbing of the nose.

The World Famous Miles City Bucking Horse Sale reserves the right to order any contestant to release the animal for the safety of the animal or any case of inhumane treatment. Any unnecessary mistreatment of an animal mentioned here before will result in team disqualification not only for the round but for the remainder of the 3 day event.

Shank ropes will be no shorter than 12 feet, and no longer than 14 feet. The remaining rope length between breakaway connections and halter shall be no longer than 4 feet. Knots will not be allowed at any portion of the rope except for connection to the halter, and at the opposite end to prevent fraying. Once the rider is mounted, the rope must either be disconnected or in the riders’ hand when they release the horse and rider. If the rope is disconnected it must be taken out of the arena when the rest of the team exits. If rider loses the shank rope while still in the arena, team members can assist in getting the shank rope back in their Rider’s hands.

Horses must be saddled while the horse is standing.

The Mugger and Shank Man must clear the track immediately and stay off the track once their rider is mounted and has passed through the arena gate. (This will include the arena straight away or line of sight of the finish line.)

Riders: NO abuse of the horse in any manner. NO foreign objects will be allowed, bats, rattles, plastic bags etc., to coax the horse. Riders may have spurs, but they must not have locked or sharpened rowels. Rowels must move freely, no bull shanks. Riders: if you are caught spurring your horse in the neck or head, your team will be disqualified for the entire 3 day event.

Riders must be in the saddle on the horse with the shank rope in their hand when they cross the finish line. This rule only applies if the Rider left the arena with a shank rope at the start.

There will be a seven (7) Minute time limit, or until four places have crossed the finish line.

At the seven (7) minute mark, designated outriders will make a circle around the track. Place holders will be marked AS IS once the outriders begin pushing all horses toward the finish line. At the judge’s discretion, if any legal riders enter the arena in a “bunch” when the outriders push them into the arena, those teams may be considered a “dead heat” and those teams will receive the same time for that heat. The signal for the seven (7) minute mark will also signal for designated ground crew to close the track gate on the south end of the arena. The south end gate will be open before the official start signal is given.

Once the lead rider is rounding the final turn on the track the track gate on the north side of the arena will be opened to observe the finish line at the arena entry point.

Any contestant deemed to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs prior to competing in that day's race will not be allowed to compete and will be subject to disqualification for the entire 3 day event.

Alcohol or Drugs are NOT ALLOWED in the arena at any time.

Failing to show up for your designated race will result in loss of entry fee. NO REFUNDS!

All Judge's decisions are FINAL!

Name of Person Submitting This Form
Email of Person Submitting This Form
Mailing Address of Person Submitting This Form


Each contestant will be required to present a valid ID, social security number, and complete a W-9 before they can pick up their T shirt. All competitors must be at least 18 years of age. TEAMS SHALL CONSIST OF THREE (3) MEMBERS. (Substitutes will be allowed no matter if he/she has competed with another team. Contestants who will race on more than one team must notify the Rodeo Secretary of changes. The Secretary has the right to deny if go round placement is not convenient.)

The team captain will be responsible for picking up team checks from the rodeo office. The team captain will also be responsible for cashing their team's check.


A $500.00 payment via credit card is required at the time of this submission. An 8% credit card fee ($40) will be added to the $500.00 fee for a total of $540.00. If you do not complete the transaction or the card is declined, this entry will NOT be accepted. NO EXCEPTIONS!!

IMPORTANT: If once we receive your entry and we see that the credit card was declined or did not go through for ANY reason, your entry will not be accepted. It is YOUR responsibility to make sure there was a charge initiated on the credit card after you submit the entry. If you see that the card did not go through, you must contact us immediately to remedy the situation. (email us at: [email protected])

For the first 16 teams that enter, and in order to qualify for a refund, you must cancel your entry before May 1, 2025. You will receive the $500 fee back but will forfeit the credit card fee. If you fail to show at the event check-in on Friday, May 16 or cancel after May 1, there will be NO REFUNDS.

Alternate teams will receive a full refund if they do not make the show on Friday, May 16. Refunds will be processed after the event is over.

All teams will be notified by email (we will use the email you entered twice previously in this form) of their status within a few days after this form closes. (after we receive 20 PAID entries.)

I have read and understand all the above rules, terms, and conditions. I further state that I expressly understand the terms about submitting payment and the refund guidelines. By checking the box below, I hereby agree to all.

Credit Card Information:

If once we receive your entry and we see that the credit card was declined or did not go through for ANY reason, your entry will not be accepted. It is YOUR responsibility to make sure there was a charge initiated on the credit card. If you see that the card did not go through, you must contact us immediately to remedy the situation.

Email Address of Credit Card Owner
Credit Card Billing Address
2025 WHR Entry Fee - If the credit card is declined, the entry will be cancelled.
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Purse $12,000 added. $500.00 entry fee per team. Entry fees must be paid by credit card at time of entry. NO EXCEPTIONS! Entries will be limited to 20 teams. Entry form will close when 20 entries are received. All entry forms are automatically numbered, and time stamped at time of entry.

The first 16 entries received will be in the event. The last 4 entries received will be on an alternate list in order of entry number and timestamp of entry. Alternate teams will receive a full refund if they do not make the show.

During the event, each of the 16 teams will receive 2 head - 1 per day on Friday and Saturday. Each team will be timed. Each team’s fastest time of two performances will be the determining factor of whether they make it back to the championship round of 8 teams on Sunday. If, for any reason, there is a tie to qualify to advance to the finals, a coin flip will decide the teams that advance. Buckles will be provided to the top money winning team overall. In the unlikely event of a tie for overall, a flip of the coin will determine the recipient of the buckles.

Payouts will be as follows:

Each of the 2 Rounds Pays $5,000.00 (each round is made up of two 8 team heats on both Fri. and Sat.)

1st - $2,000.00 per team
2nd - $1,500.00 per team
3rd - $1,000.00 per team
4th - $500.00 per team

The average on Championship Sunday pays $10,000.00

1st - $4,000.00 per team
2nd -$3,000.00 per team
3rd -$2,000.00 per team
4th -$1,000.00 per team

Entry Rules:

Each contestant will be required to present a valid ID, social security number, and complete a W-9 before they can pick up their T shirt. All competitors must be at least 18 years of age. TEAMS SHALL CONSIST OF THREE (3) MEMBERS. (Substitutes will be allowed no matter if he/she has competed with another team. Contestants who will race on more than one team must notify the Rodeo Secretary of changes. The Secretary has the right to deny if go round placement is not convenient.)

Track Rules:

Saddle and Rider must remain behind the designated starting line until the official start signal is given.

Horses front feet must break the plane of the chute with gates open at least 90 degrees before being mugged. (The Mugger may enter the chute 10 seconds after the official start if horse will not exit.)

No choking down, no blocking of airways, no deliberate tripping, no half hitches around the horse's neck by halter shank or rope, and no mugger may take hold of the horse's eyes or mouth in any manner. No biting or grabbing the horse’s ears. No gouging of the eyes or intentional grabbing of the nose.

The World Famous Miles City Bucking Horse Sale reserves the right to order any contestant to release the animal for the safety of the animal or any case of inhumane treatment. Any unnecessary mistreatment of an animal mentioned here before will result in team disqualification not only for the round but for the remainder of the 3 day event.

Shank ropes will be no shorter than 12 feet, and no longer than 14 feet. The remaining rope length between breakaway connections and halter shall be no longer than 4 feet. Knots will not be allowed at any portion of the rope except for connection to the halter, and at the opposite end to prevent fraying. Once the rider is mounted, the rope must either be disconnected or in the riders’ hand when they release the horse and rider. If the rope is disconnected it must be taken out of the arena when the rest of the team exits. If rider loses the shank rope while still in the arena, team members can assist in getting the shank rope back in their Rider’s hands.

Horses must be saddled while the horse is standing.

The Mugger and Shank Man must clear the track immediately and stay off the track once their rider is mounted and has passed through the arena gate. (This will include the arena straight away or line of sight of the finish line.)

Riders: NO abuse of the horse in any manner. NO foreign objects will be allowed, bats, rattles, plastic bags etc., to coax the horse. Riders may have spurs, but they must not have locked or sharpened rowels. Rowels must move freely, no bull shanks. Riders: if you are caught spurring your horse in the neck or head, your team will be disqualified for the entire 3 day event.

Riders must be in the saddle on the horse with the shank rope in their hand when they cross the finish line. This rule only applies if the Rider left the arena with a shank rope at the start.

There will be a seven (7) Minute time limit, or until four places have crossed the finish line.

At the seven (7) minute mark, designated outriders will make a circle around the track. Place holders will be marked AS IS once the outriders begin pushing all horses toward the finish line. At the judge’s discretion, if any legal riders enter the arena in a “bunch” when the outriders push them into the arena, those teams may be considered a “dead heat” and those teams will receive the same time for that heat. The signal for the seven (7) minute mark will also signal for designated ground crew to close the track gate on the south end of the arena. The south end gate will be open before the official start signal is given.

Once the lead rider is rounding the final turn on the track the track gate on the north side of the arena will be opened to observe the finish line at the arena entry point.

Any contestant deemed to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs prior to competing in that day's race will not be allowed to compete and will be subject to disqualification for the entire 3 day event.

Alcohol or Drugs are NOT ALLOWED in the arena at any time.

Failing to show up for your designated race will result in loss of entry fee. NO REFUNDS!

All Judge's decisions are FINAL!

Name of Person Submitting This Form
Email of Person Submitting This Form
Mailing Address of Person Submitting This Form


Each contestant will be required to present a valid ID, social security number, and complete a W-9 before they can pick up their T shirt. All competitors must be at least 18 years of age. TEAMS SHALL CONSIST OF THREE (3) MEMBERS. (Substitutes will be allowed no matter if he/she has competed with another team. Contestants who will race on more than one team must notify the Rodeo Secretary of changes. The Secretary has the right to deny if go round placement is not convenient.)

The team captain will be responsible for picking up team checks from the rodeo office. The team captain will also be responsible for cashing their team's check.


A $500.00 payment via credit card is required at the time of this submission. An 8% credit card fee ($40) will be added to the $500.00 fee for a total of $540.00. If you do not complete the transaction or the card is declined, this entry will NOT be accepted. NO EXCEPTIONS!!

IMPORTANT: If once we receive your entry and we see that the credit card was declined or did not go through for ANY reason, your entry will not be accepted. It is YOUR responsibility to make sure there was a charge initiated on the credit card after you submit the entry. If you see that the card did not go through, you must contact us immediately to remedy the situation. (email us at: [email protected])

For the first 16 teams that enter, and in order to qualify for a refund, you must cancel your entry before May 1, 2025. You will receive the $500 fee back but will forfeit the credit card fee. If you fail to show at the event check-in on Friday, May 16 or cancel after May 1, there will be NO REFUNDS.

Alternate teams will receive a full refund if they do not make the show on Friday, May 16. Refunds will be processed after the event is over.

All teams will be notified by email (we will use the email you entered twice previously in this form) of their status within a few days after this form closes. (after we receive 20 PAID entries.)

I have read and understand all the above rules, terms, and conditions. I further state that I expressly understand the terms about submitting payment and the refund guidelines. By checking the box below, I hereby agree to all.

Credit Card Information:

If once we receive your entry and we see that the credit card was declined or did not go through for ANY reason, your entry will not be accepted. It is YOUR responsibility to make sure there was a charge initiated on the credit card. If you see that the card did not go through, you must contact us immediately to remedy the situation.

Email Address of Credit Card Owner
Credit Card Billing Address
2025 WHR Entry Fee - If the credit card is declined, the entry will be cancelled.