The Showcase Band Form

The Showcase Band Form will be available February 1, 2025.

The form will automatically close on either March 1 OR when there are 15 submissions received.

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We are looking for a “Showcase” band or artist that would like to perform at the 2025 World Famous Miles City Bucking Horse Sale on Thursday evening, May 15th!

This performance will take place on the main stage and serve as the “warm-up” for the special guests, Tigirlily Gold, who will perform before the main artist, Gary Allan.

This “Showcase” act will perform for approximately 30-45 minutes and then will perform after the main concert is over for an additional 2 hours +/-. This “after-show” performance will take place under the grandstands near the bar area.

The non-negotiable fee for this act is $2,000.00 and no other contract riders will be considered. The chosen act will be responsible for their own lodging. We can provide a dedicated area for campers, motorhomes, etc., with limited power but no water or sewer hookups are available. This warmup performance will take place on the main stage where professional quality production is available which will include sound, lighting and technicians. Artist is to provide their own backline. In addition, for the afterparty performance, artist is to provide their own production to include sound, lighting, and backline. An auxiliary stage will be provided for the afterparty performance.

This is an opportunity for an act to experience extensive exposure during one of the biggest events in the region that always features large crowds and a huge social media presence.

This is how the process will play out:

We will accept applications until March 1 OR until we reach a total of 15 submissions - whichever comes first.

The MCBHS Board of Governors will select 3 acts from all the submissions and will then publish an online voting process so our fans can vote on who will be the 2025 Showcase Band!

If you want a chance to perform at the 2025 World Famous Miles City Bucking Horse Sale, start right here!!

Submitter Address
Submitter Email

List all members of Act/Band that will appear onstage. (All members must be 18 or older)

What genre(s) does the act/band play when performing? Check all that apply.

Enter all Act/Band website and/or all social media link(s)

You must provide two (2) YouTube videos of the act rehearsing or performing.

Bands must acknowledge and accept the following to participate:

    1. Bands must accompany this form with links to two separate YouTube videos of the act performing.
    2. Videos must be of original material.
    3. Videos will be judged on the following.
      • Uniqueness: How unique did the songs sound?
      • Appearance: Did the band look original? Did the band stand out?
      • Confidence/Competence: Did the band look at ease whilst playing? Did the band appear to be able to do what they wanted to do?
      • Set Dynamism: Did the songs appear to play according to a plan i.e. was it well constructed and able to manipulate the audience’s mood?
      • Physical Interaction: Did the band physically participate with the viewers?
      • Quality of Performance: Was the performance tight? Was the skill level comparable to other known artists?
    4. There is no limit to the number of bands who wish to apply for the competition, and all submitted
      video links will be fairly appraised for shortlisting.
    5. Any distasteful behavior, and/or vulgar language will result in the automatic disqualification at the
      hands of management and judges.
    6. Registration fee; There is no registration charge for any band or performer.
    7. If your Band is chosen as successful to play, that Band/Performer will receive a onetime payment
      following the concert of $2,000.00 total for both performances (as opener and follow up).
    8. A "Performer" consists of many different things. For this event, we require anything from soloists on
      track to instrumental performances; a multi person band or a solo act, all are allowed as long they are genuine in their performance and do not mime or imitate musicality.
    9. The World Famous Miles City Bucking Horse Sale, its sponsors or any affiliates will not be held accountable for any broken equipment, injuries, or any other negative occurrences outside of our staff’s control.
    10. Those chosen as successful will be required to perform at World Famous Bucking Horse Sale Kickoff
      Concert Thursday, May 15th at 6:00 PM, along with a post-concert performance under the grandstand.
    11. All entrants must be able to guarantee that they will be able to perform at the World Famous Bucking Horse Sale in its entirety with the same person/s and instruments that competed in the aforementioned Showcase Band Contest.
    12. The chosen Band/Performer will be able to use the main stage and sound system for the “warm up”
      portion but must provide their own backline for the “after-show” performance.
    13. The chosen Band/Performer will adhere to “Limited Access” rules backstage.
      • Only the chosen “Warm Up” performing artists are allowed on and around stage area during their designated time frame. (This does not include other entities already authorized by the World Famous Miles City Bucking Horse Sale Board of Governors.)
      • “Warm Up” act will adhere to all directions given by appointed Stage Technicians while setting up and performing.
      • Prior to “Load in” chosen band will meet with World Famous Miles City Bucking Horse Sale Concert Chairman and Board Members to be given tour of the venue and discuss instrumentation with Stage Technicians.
    14. The Main Act and Management has final say in who is or who isn’t approved to be the “Warm Up”
Acknowledgement of Terms